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The heiress to the five suns

The heiress to the five suns

$79,00 MXN

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Only by knowing her past can she find herself.

The Parker Family live with their only daughter, Anya, on a prosperous farm dedicated to the breeding and export of polo horses in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

When the girl is nine years old, a fire breaks out during a party in the guest house which ends the life of her father. Her mother, devastated, decides to return to her hometown, Windsor in England, with her little girl.Together they have to restart their lives and carry the burden of the sorrow that the loss of their loved one caused.

Years later, Anya, now a beautiful young woman, decides to return to the horse-ranch to reclaim her inheritance and above all to rediscover her roots. There she rebuilds and reopens their old house, discovers secrets that she had never been told and embarks on a search for a hidden treasure that her father had left her.

Returning to her former home leads her to a new world and she finds much more than her land. She understands that the past is part of our lives, that sometimes goodbyes are necessary to mark the beginning of a new stage and, especially, that true love is stronger than time and distance and forever present.

Intertwined lives, revealed secrets, and stories of love and heartbreak.

An immersive and gripping novel about how discovering the past can change the present forever. The novel has romance, history and many geographical, as well as cultural details about Windsor, England and life on a ranch in Argentina.

Detalles del Libro

ago. 2023

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